Thanks to advances in technology, more and more people have the opportunity to work from home. With so many remote jobs available, it makes perfect sense that you can also work from your RV. Having a job while you’re on the road provides a sense of routine and normalcy for your life. Here are some helpful tips for working from your RV.

Create an Office Space for Working from Your RV

Sitting in the bed using the laptop may seem cozy for a while, but eventually, you’ll want a more productive place to work. Designate an office space. A good chair allows for better posture and when you’re comfortable, you’ll get more work done.

Use a desk or claim the kitchen table during your work hours. Having a place to work helps get you in the right mindset for being productive.

Schedule Your Work Hours

You might be dreaming of a more spontaneous RV lifestyle, but when you’re on the road, it’s best to set a standard work schedule. Regular office hours will help you stay focused and your clients and teammates will know when they can reach you.

Most people appreciate a routine and it’s easier to plan ahead when you work regular hours. A schedule also lets your family know your availability during the day and those hours during which you shouldn’t be disturbed.

Be Accessible When Working from Your RV

Whether you work full-time for a company or complete contracted projects on your own time, you may need to be available for meetings, networking, and appointments with clients. Familiarize yourself with Slack, Google Meet, and Zoom. These are useful tools for quick and easy communication. You can message co-workers and set up face-to-face virtual meetings with your clients. These programs are available on your computer and you can also install the app on your smartphone and tablet.

Plan Ahead When You are Traveling

Some RVers spend months at the same campground. Others choose to travel, visiting different towns and cities and seeing the sites. If you’re working from your RV, make sure to plan ahead and learn about the campsite where you will be staying. Verify they have Wi-Fi and read reviews online, paying special attention to comments or complaints about the internet. The campground may claim to have internet, but instead, the signal is unreliable and you find you’re unable to complete your work efficiently.

Have a backup plan. Look for public libraries, co-working spaces, and coffee shops in the area where you can work in case you lose signal at your campground.

RV Home Inspections offers RV inspection services to customers in Houston, Texas. Contact us to request an appointment.