Keeping Warm While RVing in the Winter

If you use your RV in the winter, it’s important to take precautions to keep you and your family comfortable all season long. Follow these tips to stay warm in your RV.

Layer Your Clothing to Stay Warm in Your RV

Don’t expect to be able to stay warm in your RV while wearing clothes intended for spring or summer. Wearing layers increases the insulation on your body to protect you from the cold and keep you warm. Put on long sleeve shirts, sweaters, and socks when in your RV. Remove layers if you get too warm or add more if you are still cold.

Uncover Vents

Make sure that your vents are uncovered and not obstructed by doors, objects, or furniture. This will reduce the heating efficiency of your RV. When your turn on your RV’s heat, go through and make sure that the space in front of each of the vents is clear. This will help you use less fuel and make it easier for warm air to circulate throughout your RV.

Use Space Heaters to Stay Warm in Your RV

Turning up the thermostat in your RV will raise the temperature a few degrees, but you’ll also use more energy to maintain it. If you want to be mindful of energy use while still staying warm, place space heaters in key locations in your RV.

Whether you want to reduce the chill of an area that doesn’t get a lot of heat, or if you want to make the main living area even warmer, use a space heater. Periodically test the heater’s automatic shutoff feature so that it doesn’t start a fire if tipped over.

Space heaters can even be used in storage bays to keep plumbing from freezing. Because of their versatility, you should always have one packed in your RV. Be sure to place the units well away from flammable material and never leave them unattended.

Reduce Humidity

Air with a high moisture content will feel colder than it actually is. While reducing the humidity won’t increase the temperature in your RV, it will help you to deal with the cold better.

Close the vents in your shower when not in use and insulate the opening to keep condensation down. Run a dehumidifier to dry out the air in your RV. Refraining from cooking things that steam, like soups and stews, will also cut down on the humidity.

Stay Warm in Your RV by Maximizing the Insulation

Heating your RV won’t make much of a difference if there are openings that allow that heat to escape and cold air inside. Check your RV for drafts and take note of areas where insulation might be poor, such as around windows and where walls meet. Repair bad seals with caulking and winterize windows with weather stripping. If your RV is older, have a professional renovate your RV and update the insulation with newer, more efficient material.

Draw Shades on Certain Windows

Use the sun’s rays to warm your RV by opening curtains on windows that are facing the sun. Likewise, close curtains for windows that are on the shady side. The curtains will act as another layer of insulation and help you stay warm in your RV.

RV Home Inspections provides RV inspections in Houston, Texas. Contact us to schedule our services.